From genetics to functions and mechanisms

About the lab: 
The Xiong Lab at Zhejiang University Medical Center (浙江大学医学中心) seeks to understand the regulatory circuits and mechanisms of genetic diseases, including brain and heart disorders, from multiple layers, including genetics,  epigenomics, epitranscriptomics (i.e. RNA modification), and transcriptome. The ultimate goal of our research is to identify the "missing regulation" of disease genetics and help guide the development of new therapeutics for human disease from multiple molecular levels.
We integrate computational biology, AI (mainly deep learning) and statistical genetics, in combination with experimental approaches, to answer the questions and provide validations. 

About the PI:
Dr. Xushen Xiong completed his undergraduate study in Bioinformatics at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2014. He received his PhD degree in Integrative Biology from Peking University (advisor: Professor Chengqi Yi) in 2019, with a focus on RNA modifications and bioinformatics. He then did his postdoc research jointly with Professor Manolis Kellis (Head of MIT Computation Biology) at MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and Professor Richard Gregory at Harvard Medical School, where he studied the genetic mechanism and regulatory circuits of human polygenic diseases using computational biology and machine learning approaches.


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